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The Kindergarten program provides each child with learning experiences that promote the total development of the child with a focus on five learning areas:

  • Communication: literacy and numeracy.
  • Community and environmental awareness.
  • Creative and cultural expression.
  • Physical skills and well-being.
  • Personal and social responsibility.

Young children learn in an integrated way.  These five learning areas will be addressed through integrated thematic units on topics which interest and motivate the children.



Through the elementary music program, students will develop:

  • Enjoyment of music
  • Awareness and appreciation of a variety of music, including music of the many cultures represented in Canada
  • Insights into music through meaningful musical activities
  • Self-expression and creativity
  • Musical skills and knowledge.

Academic Focus

Clara Tyner School delivers the mandated Alberta Program of Studies for Kindergarten to Grade Six.  Students work in a fully inclusive environment, utilizing the latest resources and technology.  Classes are self-contained with staff working collaboratively on priorities, program planning, field-study trips and numerous special events. 

For more information about Alberta curricula, please visit:                                             


Assessment and Evaluation:  Student progress reports will be posted to SchoolZone three times a year.  Celebrations of Learning are scheduled for Fall and Spring.  Parents/guardians are invited to contact the school at any time to make an appointment to discuss their child’s progress with the teacher.

Homework:  Relevant and reasonable homework, related to the curriculum, represents an opportunity for partnership and cooperative efforts between home and school that support and enhance student growth.

Field Trips: Field trips enhance the curriculum and research indicates that field trips make it possible for children to have firsthand experiences, thus extending the classroom learning.  The school is required to have parent/guardian permission for all field trips.  Students must return a parent/guardian signed permission form in order to participate in each field trip.  To avoid disappointment, please ensure that the consent form is signed and returned to your child’s teacher by the due date.  No child will be refused the right to participate in field trip experiences due to a lack of funds if the situation is brought to the attention of the teacher or principal.  If a student is not able to participate in a field trip due to any other reason, they will be accommodated in other classes.

Recess: Recess is a time to provide a break from school rigor and a chance to get some exercise and fresh air.  It is expected that children will be dressed warmly enough to be outside for 15 minutes.  Recess will only be cancelled due to inclement weather (temperature and or wind-chill is -23°C or lower, rain, sleet, blizzard, etc.), or in some cases due to program needs.  Please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather.


Character Development

We believe that character development is an integral part of a child’s education.  In alignment with Alberta Education’s vision of an educated Albertan and the competencies outlined in the Ministerial Order on Learning; Clara Tyner students address personal characteristics such as courage, perseverance, respect, empathy, kindness, honesty, truthfulness, fairness and responsibility. Through school assemblies, classroom activities, school-wide events and community service projects students address the fundamental goal of education in Alberta: “To inspire all students to achieve success and fulfillment, and to reach their full potential by developing the competencies of Engaged Thinkers and Ethical Citizens with an Entrepreneurial Spirit, who contribute to a strong and prosperous economy and society.” (Ministerial Order #001/2013).

Symbolic of our character education focus is the Clara Tyner Community fountain located in our school entrance.  This fountain was built on the 40th anniversary of Clara Tyner School and symbolizes students, staff, parents/guardians and community members working together, supporting one another in the ongoing development of Clara Tyner Class and Character.  All students and staff place a rock in the fountain and reflect on how their actions have consequences; just as a rock that is put in water creates ripples. This fountain will always be a reminder that together, we do make a difference. The donation of concrete foundation blocks from H.O. Concrete made this project possible.