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Lunch Program

Our school provides a supervised lunch program on a regular or drop-in basis as a service to parents/guardians of students in grades 1 – 6.  We believe children benefit from going home at noon as it provides an opportunity for fresh air, exercise and a nutritious lunch; however, we realize this is not always possible.

Daily lunch hour supervision is provided for students who require this service.  This program is operated at a shared cost to the school and therefore daily or monthly fees are charged to cover the supervisors’ salaries and to purchase supplies.  Students must be registered by parents/guardians.  Attendance is taken every lunch hour - if your child(ren) attend the lunch program on a regular basis and will be away, please notify the office.

Lunch is not provided.  We recommend a lunch that does not include pop or junk food but rather promotes healthy choices for school and daily living.  Your assistance in helping your child make healthy food choices and in supporting this focus on nutrition by not sending such foods would be most appreciated.  Healthy eating habits make for a healthy body and mind.  We do not provide microwave service and recommend the use of a thermos or cold lunch.  Please ensure re-usable containers are labeled and appropriate cutlery is provided – no knives allowed.  All students eat in their classrooms, and once lunch is finished, play outdoors, weather permitting.  Indoor games and activities are provided during cold and inclement weather.

If your child goes home for lunch, we also request parents/guardians’ co-operation in making sure children do not return to school before 12:25 p.m. This is to ensure that adequate supervision is in place for all students during the noon hour.

Lunch Program Expectations:  Students staying for lunch are expected to behave in a respectful, responsible manner.  Students who are not cooperative will be asked to eat their lunch in the office.

  • Be prepared for lunch (hands washed, indoor shoes on)
  • Remain in their assigned seating and practice physical distancing
  • Talk quietly and use appropriate language
  • Ask permission to leave the room
  • Eat your lunch (not to share or trade food)
  • Clean your eating space

It is crucial that the school be made aware of any allergies, their severity and any actions or treatment that may be required in the event of an allergic reaction.  Although it is not possible to guarantee freedom from allergen contamination, staff make every effort to exhibit due care and responsibility in providing the safest environment possible for children.  Trading/sharing of snacks and lunches is actively discouraged.